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 Latest Version
  0.2.6 (2005-06-09)


version 0.2.6

  • support full Lucene expressions in queries
  • added support for DevHelp books
  • added provider for reading web pages (searching powered by Yahoo! Search)
  • install desktop entry for GNOME/KDE on Unix
  • fixed PyLucene crashes with Python 2.4

version 0.2.5

  • fixed freezing when indexing on Linux
  • dramatically reduced index size by not storing the text verbatim
  • fixed searching to show error message when the query is syntactically incorrect, instead of raising an exception

version 0.2.4

  • added "Update index" menu entry
  • added contents panel
  • books are now stored in XML files in ~/.documancer/books/ instead of in config file
  • added Refresh and Stop buttons
  • PyLucene is now used instead of SWISH-E for fulltext search and Unicode is fully supported
  • search UI improvements
  • Python 2.3+ is now required

version 0.2.3

  • Documancer now chooses TCP/IP ports it will use randomly from specified range (49152-65535 by default) instead of using single port, so that multiple users can run Documancer simultaneously
  • improvements to search results UI and highlighting performance
  • added toolbar buttons for going to next/previous search result in the page
  • fixed indexer to not treat _ as words deliminer
  • fixed window title setting

version 0.2.2

  • info provider: use INFOPATH and INFODIR variables when looking for info pages (fixes missing manuals on Gentoo Linux)
  • search results for info and man providers are not prefixed with catalog file name or "Manpage of" so that it's easier to read the results
  • fixed problems with bundled Python on Windows if Python was already installed on the machine

version 0.2.1

  • many fixes to previous version
  • man provider: added regex filtering of man pages and ability to view only one section
  • info provider: (re)added ability to have only single info page in a book

version 0.2.0

  • rewritten using wxPython and wxMozilla

version 0.1.7

  • added provider for pydoc, on-the-fly generated documenation for all installed Python modules

version 0.1.6

  • cosmetic fixes to man provider
  • RPM package should now work on at least Mandrake and RedHat and integrates into GNOME, KDE and Mandrake menu systems

version 0.1.5

  • fixes to tarball and RPM spec files (the former made 0.1.4 uncompilable)

version 0.1.4

  • first public release

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